Not only did B. get to shoot, he got to drive really really fast. It was introduction day to high speed last Friday. They hit speeds near 120 mph. I car imagine going that fast.
The weekend flew by. The 48 hours or so that B. is home seems to go by faster. I took the girls to my mom on Saturday, so B. could get a few hours of solid studying in. He's tried studying with #1 around, but she kept writing on Post Its and sticking them all over his makeshift office. I set up a desk/table in our lower level so he wouldn't be tempted to watch YouTube on our computer. I think it has worked on pretty well. We may need to put an actual desk down there.
Monday was a really long day for B. We probably talked on the phone for less than five minutes. I had some friends over last night as well, so the girls went to bed way past their normal bedtime.
I got a chance to talk to B. a lot longer tonight, but he didn't get to talk to the girls. They were both asleep by the time he called. I'm hoping #2 would just fall asleep on her own. It is still taking at least 45 minutes for her to fall asleep and I have to be laying next to her.
He passed High Speed today on his first attempt. I've heard High Speed is another difficult section like skid pan. So relieved we will not have to worry about last and final attempt for this. It was not a good feeling to have.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. #1 is off all next week. Thankfully, my parents will be able to watch her as I am trying to save my hours for March. They will be measuring and weighing the cadets on the Training Table after the Thanksgiving Break. Crossing my fingers that B. gets off the training table. He has lost at least 20 pounds since he arrived.
That's all for now. They're getting closer.