I've been MIA for nearly three weeks. It's been so hectic, even overwhelming in the past few weeks. I've had my share of temper tantrums and meltdowns that I wonder, this is all going to be worth it? I know it will be, but being the sole parent at home has taken its toll. Working full-time, with swim class, and dinner, plus homework on top of that is exhausting. By the time B. comes home on Friday nights, I'm pooped. After we put the kids to bed, we take our places on the couch to catch up on the week and have B. catch up with his DVR. I'm usually passed out within ten minutes. B. will stay up for a few hours before waking me up to go to bed. So much for our much needed conversation.
At last count, the cadets who withdrew did so voluntarily. In the last three weeks, the academy class has been losing cadets due to not passing tests. They work so hard to get to this point. A few have left for not passing a written exam on their second attempt. The most recent ones are not passing skid pan. This exam is no joke. Just search CHP Skid Pan and see what it's all about. B. could have been one of those cadets. I was so stressed and anxious when he told me he had one last attempt at passing. I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't eat. Luckily, on his Wednesday restriction they did not make them write memos that night, they allowed a group to practice on the skid pan for three hours. B. felt good about the practice session and said it all clicked. Not knowing when he was going to take it again killed me. As we were told at orientation, "No news is good news." Not hearing from him during the day was good. The weekend rolled around and it seemed to weigh on me more than him. B. passed skid pan on his last and final attempt. I can't tell you what a relief it was after he told me.
The Senior Class graduated 47 new officers yesterday. B. said it was a great sight to see the new officers freshly badged with their families to share the moment together. Today was the first day for the Junior Class to be the only ones at the Academy. They usually call this "Hell Week." With additional Academy Staff available, they just have that many more eyes to find things that are wrong. So we will be missing out on Wednesday Liberty again. We've only be able to visit B. once since the Academy started. I'll sacrifice Wednesday Liberty for him to stay apart of this Academy class. As B. has said, " You can't take away my Wednesdays if I don't expect them."
This is the first Halloween without B. I wish he was here with us tonight. It was great seeing #1 and #2 enjoying themselves so much. They are at such a perfect age. Old enough to hold a conversation with me, yet still babies with such an innocent look on life. It was definitely a crazy and tiring day. #2 was sent home from school with a stomach bug, meaning that she can't go back until Monday. Luckily my parents were able to watch her this afternoon, so I could run back to #1's Harvest Festival. Drove back to my parents to meet up with them and #2 and head over to my sister's to Trick 'O Treat with my baby nephew and brother in law. #2 is staying with my parents tonight as I have to go to work and #1 has school. This is the first time in her life that #2 has been apart from me at night. It didn't bother her one bit that I was leaving. She said good night and see you tomorrow. I was expecting more drama, but she loves her grandma and grandpa and wouldn't mind sleeping there more often. After our short good byes, #1 and I were headed home. #1 was asleep within five minutes of getting into the car. Two rounds trips later, here I still am at 11:10PM on Halloween night. Good night. Happy Halloween.
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