Two years ago, 143 cadets step foot onto the grounds of the CHP Academy as CTC II-13. Where did the time go? If feels as if this was just yesterday. The 27 weeks of the Academy were both the longest and fastest times of my life. The longest days of being the only parent at home and the fastest 27 weeks of seeing cadets grow to become officers. 18 months have passed since graduation day and the 95 officers who graduated are dispersed all over the state. Many families moved along with their officer to locations hundreds of miles away. A group recently transferred in hopes of getting closer to home.
I wouldn't trade our CHP life for anything. It has opened doors of friendship and trust that no one will understand better. For those families in the process, be strong, be patient. It's a long journey.
Thanks again for reading.
Hello there. My husband is considering becoming CHP Officer. I have no idea what to expect all I have to offer him is love and support. I do have 1 question, After the application is submitted how soon does the department contact him? We both have full time jobs that have consumed our personal lives, so leaving is going to destroy hearts. Sorry for the bother I hope you can contact me.