Sunday, September 15, 2013

The 1st Weekend

No one really ever wants the weekend to end, unless you have to work them.  This Saturday and Sunday felt like the shortest weekend EVER!  Like B. said when he came home, "I'm here, but I'm really not here."  He had so much stuff to do and study.  So we could spend some time together, I helped him stencil his PT shirts and quiz him about codes and his Cadet SOP.  He made a huge stack of flash cards.  I would ask him a code and he would provide the answer.  If he answered incorrectly, he would drop and do ten push-ups.  We did this all weekend.  He even got kicked out of the car to do push-ups.

We stayed up way too late on Saturday night, but it seemed like we got a lot done.  Those of you with short last names will feel very grateful when it comes time to stencil PT shirts.  They even shorted the names to only seven letters, but it still took 45 minutes to do one shirt.

There is so much information they need to learn in such a short amount of time.  One cadet left on Friday.  CTC II-13 is now down to 142 cadets.  The attrition rate for females in the Academy is 70% and for males 40%.  Those numbers are crazy considering that less than 1% of applicants are hired.

The girls loved having their Papa home.  #1 started soccer today.  She loved it!  It is so cute watching U-5 kids run around after a soccer ball.  #2 spotted a park as soon as we pulled up and immediately wanted to go there.  So we took turns watching #1 during her class/game, while the other one was at the nearby park with #2.

As much as I know B. would love to spend time with the girls on weekends, he could really use the time to study.  We discussed the possibility of him staying up at The Academy on weekends and have us meet him up there for lunch or dinner.  Although, he has a table set up for his CHP stuff, the house is definitely full of distractions.  Before The Academy began, we planned on going up to have dinner with B. on Wednesday nights.  We knew that the first two Wednesdays would not be liberty nights.  After talking about it this weekend, the girls and I will probably not make the drive up there.  It's a valuable six hours B. will have to take care of things.

Like they told us in both orientations, take it one day at a time, one week at a time.  I think we all survived week one.  There were no tears at our good-byes tonight.  #1 even asked B., "When are you leaving?"  I know she didn't mean to sound like she wanted him gone.  We're ready to start Week Two.  One down, 26 to go.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog today when I googled the graduating class today. My former teammate graduated in your husband's class today. Reading these blog posts is really bringing me back to my husband's academy days. I remember creating his PT shirts, reciting 10 codes, and SOPs. We didn't have any kids when he went through the Academy. I can only imagine how strong you are for supporting your husband and being a rockstar mom for your children during his time at the Academy.
