Tuesday, January 28, 2014

7 weeks to go! (Day 102 of 131)

I feel like I haven't written in forever.  So many things have happened since I've written.  Dream sheets came out.  It must have been so nerve wracking for the Cadets.  I know I've been anxious for them for weeks.  What were we going to do if B. didn't get an assignment close to home?  We own our home, our girls are in school, and I had a job close by.  I know many families with be moving across the state to keep their families together, while others will be apart during the work week for at least the next year.  Luckily, B. got his first choice.  His commute into his office will be a few minutes shorter than mine.  It will be the first time we will be working in the same city, since we met each other. 

I finally got to meet B.'s roommates and girlfriends.  I can't believe it took 20 weeks for all of us to get together.  It was a great time getting to know one another.  So glad that B. has great roommates.  I hope they keep their bond and connection together for years to come.  You never have an opportunity to spend so much time together experiencing the same things.  Even as a married couple, we will never spend 24 hours a day together for 27 straight weeks going through such stressful situations.  I hope these is another chance for us to have dinner before graduation week. 

I've lost track of the days since I worked last weekend and will be working again this weekend.  Both B. and I will be working on Saturday, so the girls will be going to my parents on Friday night and spending Saturday with them.  I don't know what I would do without having my family available to help.  I believe the Cadets have something going on every Saturday in the month of February.  Ride Along weekend is next Saturday.  So excited for all the Cadets to meet their new office.  The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.  We are almost there!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Eight weeks left! (Day 95 of 131)

It's been a good week after a very trying weekend.  B. completed all his scenario testing this week.  Another hurdle done.  We actually got a chance to visit him on Wednesday.  It makes for a really long day, but we love being able to see him.  We ate dinner at Broderick in West Sacramento.  The food was great.  They have a bunch of smothered fries and their salads are humungous. 

Dream Sheets came out this week.  All the conversations we had about which offices would be his top 3 ended up not having any openings.  It was definitely a surprise.  We had even considered putting in an interdistrict transfer for #1 in one of those cities we thought B. would be going to.  I really feel for those families that will be moving across the state or for those planning on commuting really far from home.  One of the positive things that has come out is making connections with several other wives/girlfriends of CTC II-13.  I had no idea there was a FaceBook group for this class.  Hopefully, they will find out for sure next week where they will be assigned. 

We made another payment towards his uniform.  Thankfully they have a payment plan.  I know the cadets are loaned $900 for the first set of uniforms.  Does anyone know when they actually get the money to pay for them?  If there is one piece of advice I can share, it is have a savings account set up prior to starting the Academy with a couple thousand dollars in it.  I feel like B. has had to buy so many things.  All of them totally necessary.

I feel like I've been saying there are only eight weeks left for the last two to three weeks.  We are getting so close.  Hang in there everyone.  Hopefully the Dream Sheet assignments will settle some nerves next week.  To class CTC I-14, you've made it through two weeks.  25 to go. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 19: When will you be home? (Day 88 of 131)

This weekend has been one of the hardest, if not the hardest since B. started the Academy.  The girls were awesome during the week.  I didn't have to beg anyone to eat dinner.  We even went out to dinner on Friday night before B. came home.  It must be all the excitement of seeing their Papa, that everything goes out the window when he comes home.  I know the Terrible Two's exist.  Is there such a thing as the Fiesty Five's?  #1 gave both of us a run for our money this weekend.  I felt like I was yelling the whole weekend.  If it wasn't for one thing, it was definitely something else the next minute.  B. and I felt bad after laying down the law.  "She's only five."  I know this is all a phase, but it definitely challenged me as a parent this weekend. 

To add to all the chaos in our household, #2 is potty training.  She's doing an awesome job at school.  When she gets home, it's a different story.  She totally understands the concept, but it missing the time by just a little bit.  We came home one day and I said, "Let's go to the potty."  I hear her say, "I already did, Mama."  I'm thinking, wow she got to the bathroom all by herself.  Yay!  She was waiting for me at the top of the stairs, standing in a puddle that had flowed down a few steps.  I couldn't get mad at her, since she already had a plan to get clean clothes.

I know there are many other wives/girlfriends/partners asking themselves, when will they be home?  I don't know how single moms/dads/grandparents do it.  I had the "I can't do it alone" moment(s) this weekend.  If may not change very much when B. returns home, since Break-In is a continuation of the Academy.  Who knows what shift he will end up with?  They asked the Cadets for the Social Security numbers last week, so it sounds like the Dream Sheets will be coming out soon. There are about seven offices that are within 35 minutes are our house.  It gives B. several options to consider.  Hopefully those offices have openings.  The previous class only had San Jose or the Los Angeles area. 

The Cadets has a very tough week ahead of them.  It's Scenario Week.  There are over ten scenario tests for them to complete and pass.  Lots of studying.  B. is probably not restricted this week, but with all the tests, we will not be meeting up with him on Wednesday.  Hang tough.  61 days until graduation.  (Crossing my fingers.) 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week 18! Pick up day for CTC 1-14 (Day 83 of 131)

We're down to single digits in weeks left at the Academy.  You can feel the light at the end of the tunnel.  B. was tased on Wednesday.  He said it was the most painful thing he has ever felt.  He suggests that anyone about to be tased should comply with the officer who has the taser.  There are still lots of scenarios and testing to be done in the next nine weeks.  But the thought we are that much closer feels good.

Pick up day for CTC 1-14 is tomorrow morning.  Best of luck to the new cadets.  It's a lot to take in on the first day for the cadets and families.  I was just as nervous that morning.  It's the uncertainty that makes you feel uneasy.  I didn't get a chance to talk to B. on the first night, just a late night text.  Be supportive of your cadet.  Be there to listen.  They will be so much going on in their Academy life, little things at home can wait.