Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 19: When will you be home? (Day 88 of 131)

This weekend has been one of the hardest, if not the hardest since B. started the Academy.  The girls were awesome during the week.  I didn't have to beg anyone to eat dinner.  We even went out to dinner on Friday night before B. came home.  It must be all the excitement of seeing their Papa, that everything goes out the window when he comes home.  I know the Terrible Two's exist.  Is there such a thing as the Fiesty Five's?  #1 gave both of us a run for our money this weekend.  I felt like I was yelling the whole weekend.  If it wasn't for one thing, it was definitely something else the next minute.  B. and I felt bad after laying down the law.  "She's only five."  I know this is all a phase, but it definitely challenged me as a parent this weekend. 

To add to all the chaos in our household, #2 is potty training.  She's doing an awesome job at school.  When she gets home, it's a different story.  She totally understands the concept, but it missing the time by just a little bit.  We came home one day and I said, "Let's go to the potty."  I hear her say, "I already did, Mama."  I'm thinking, wow she got to the bathroom all by herself.  Yay!  She was waiting for me at the top of the stairs, standing in a puddle that had flowed down a few steps.  I couldn't get mad at her, since she already had a plan to get clean clothes.

I know there are many other wives/girlfriends/partners asking themselves, when will they be home?  I don't know how single moms/dads/grandparents do it.  I had the "I can't do it alone" moment(s) this weekend.  If may not change very much when B. returns home, since Break-In is a continuation of the Academy.  Who knows what shift he will end up with?  They asked the Cadets for the Social Security numbers last week, so it sounds like the Dream Sheets will be coming out soon. There are about seven offices that are within 35 minutes are our house.  It gives B. several options to consider.  Hopefully those offices have openings.  The previous class only had San Jose or the Los Angeles area. 

The Cadets has a very tough week ahead of them.  It's Scenario Week.  There are over ten scenario tests for them to complete and pass.  Lots of studying.  B. is probably not restricted this week, but with all the tests, we will not be meeting up with him on Wednesday.  Hang tough.  61 days until graduation.  (Crossing my fingers.) 


  1. Hello! My husband is also in the CHP academy and is expected to graduate March 14th. I was trying to get connected with some other wives in praying, celebrating and meeting come March.
    I am very new to blogging but cam be reached by Facebook : Casandra Cox I live on the Central Coast. I am hoping to meet several of you ladies come March! They are almost there! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Casandra Cox

    1. CHP Cadet Wife: I just found your blog. Thanks for sharing. My husband is in the academy too. You can find me on FB my profile is Kiwi Ashby.

      Cassie: We should get together, I'm from the central coast too.

  2. Hi Cassie: I couldn't find you on Facebook. There were tons of Casandra Cox that popped up. Feel free to email me at I told my husband I wouldn't reveal his identity on this blog until graduation. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hi Kiwi: Just found your Facebook. I'll be sending you a message.
